"A Quilted Calendar"
We hope you enjoy making this patriotic installment of the new Block of the Month series.
Bring your block to the monthly guild meeting and enter to win all of the blocks for the month.
There is always one lucky winner and should we receive numerous blocks, we will select two winners. CCCS
Block of the Month is a Guild tradition so please join the fun and don't forget to make a spare for your own Quilted Calendar!
This is a great way to use your scraps but please use the suggested colors for blocks entered in the drawing.
Co-Chairs Naomi Hicks and Debbie Breyman
June 2010 |
Grand Finale - Instructions in May 2010 newsletter

May 2010 |
Fluttering Hearts - Instructions in April 2010 newsletter
April 2010 |
Flower Basket- Instructions in March 2010 newsletter

March 2010 |
Spring Breezes - Instructions in February 2010 newsletter

Feb 2010 |
Fluttering Hearts - Instructions in January 2010 newsletter

Jan 2010 |
Snow Crystals - Instructions in December 09 newsletter

Dec 2009 |
O' Christmas Tree - Instructions in November 09 newsletter

Nov 2009 |
Turkey Tracks - Instructions in October 09 newsletter

Oct 2009 |
Pumpkin Patch - Instructions in September 09 newsletter

Sept 2009 |
Schoolhouse - Instructions in August 09 newsletter

August 2009 |
Sunflower - instructions in July 09

July 2009 |
Fourth of July Star - instructions in June 09

Congratulations to Diana Iler and Barbara Kanishi for winning the July blocks.
