Media Page
Coastal Quilters Guild Inc. is a non profit, educational
& charitable organization. It is the purpose of the Guild to educate its members
about the history and the preservation of the art form of quilt
making and its related topics. Also to learn new techniques, improve
skills and to inform the community at large about our quilt making
Our Guild meetings are held on the second Thursday of
each month at Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Congregation 820 N. Fairview Ave Goleta CA 93117. (See map.) Our meetings
start at 7:00 p.m., although many people like to come early
and socialize. We have a business meeting covering pertinent
topics, show and tell, block of the month, door prize drawings,
and a program or guest speaker.
To learn more About Us, click HERE.
To read the History of the Guild, click HERE.
November 3, 2014
Coastal Quilters Guild Presents Special Gift to Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care’s Serenity House
Noozhawk article
Casa Magazine article
"What's Right With Your Community" sponsored by Union Bank and aired on local TV

May 25, 2011
Coastal Quilters Lend A Hand To Graduates Of Fostering Friends

July 31, 2010
Norah McMeeking, Featured Artist
June 16, 2010
CQG Quilt Show announcement
Quilt Show Flyer |

May 28, 2010
Coastal Quilters and Fostering Friends – Looking to the Future |

March 12, 2010
April Fools with Playful Pieces: Pockets and Postage Stamps |

December 4, 2012
SBNP / Community Quilts

February 20, 2012
Noozhawk / Community Quilts
Pinterest Photos of Event

December 21, 2011
SBNP / Community Quilts
(large file)
Daily Sound Article
Community Quilts |
September 18, 2016
Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition |
"Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition dated September 18, 2016, presented to Coastal Quilters Guild by Lois Capps, 23rd Congressional District of California Representative".

September 18, 2016
City of Santa Barbara Letter of Recognition |
"Letter of Recognition from the City of Santa Barbara, dated September 18, 2016, and signed by Helene Schneider, Mayor".

"Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition dated October 3, 2008, presented to Coastal Quilters Guild - 20th anniversary in recognition of outstanding and invaluable service to the community. Signed by Lois Capps, 23rd Congressional District of California Representative".
(On the back it reads) "Outstanding Public Service to the Community" - These certificates are made available to congratulate a person who has achieved a qualifying public distinction as defined by Section 3210(a)(3)(F) and the regulations promulgated, pursuant thereto, by the Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards."
"Letter of Recognition from the City of Santa Barbara on the 20th Anniversary of the Coastal Quilters Guild, dated October 3, 2008 and signed by Marty Blum, Mayor".
This Letter recognizes the many contributions made by Coastal Quilters Guild of Santa Barbara and Goleta through their support of many local nonprofit organizations with their gifts of quilts and other items, as well as providing historical information and education on quilting through monthly meetings and monetary support to Santa Barbara City College/Adult Education Quilting Classes. |