2017 -2019 Community Quilts
July 2017 – June 2019
Chaired by Carol Fay and Sue Kadner
During the two years from July 2017 to June 2019, the Community Quilts Committee, chaired by Carol Fay, sub-chair Sue Kadner, coordinated the donations below on behalf of the Guild. A start was made on getting things in the locker more organized but there was still much to do when our term was over.
November 2017: Over 150 bedding kits were donated to the Unity Shoppe to fill the cradles made by Steve Scheftic and his group of woodworkers. Here is a picture of some of the wonderful bedding that our members made.

December 2017: Every December, the Women's Division of the Santa Barbara Jewish Federation collects donations and assembles Baskets of Love which are delivered to homebound seniors through Jewish Family Services. This year the Guild donated quilts to fill 26 baskets. The staff at SBJF could not say enough about how much they liked the various colors, patterns and quilting. Below are some of the quilts and finished baskets that were presented to the seniors:
Seniors receiving their quilts...

June 2018:
St Vincent’s Family Strengthening Program: The next project was to make quilts for the babies and toddlers of the St. Vincent's Family Strengthening Program. Forty quilts were presented to Joanne Sizemore, Director of the Program, at a Guild meeting this month.

December 2018:
Community Quilts ended 2018 giving some most appreciated donations to Unity Shoppe:
--150 cradle kits
--65 child, lap and bed quilts for the Unity’s Disaster Service Program (see pictures below)
--$1000, presented by Irelle Beatie at their Annual Telethon. The funds were raised when we raffled off a Singer Featherweight which was donated to the Guild by Maureen Dearden.
During the Telethon Barbara Tellefson, who has been a major force behind Unity since the 80’s, said many kind words on local television about our Guild and its support for her organization which is 101 years old this year. For those not that familiar with Unity, it supports seven programs: Grocery & Clothing Center; School Clothing & Supplies; Job Smart; Work, Learn & Earn; Santa’s Toy Shoppe; Senior Resource Center; and Long-Term Disaster Services and Case Management.

March 2019:
Guild members made 36 blocks for the Paradise & Camp Fire victims. A few pictures are below. Marcia Greiten’s block—with the *Paradise* sign—is based on a picture posted by her friends, who lost their mobile home in Paradise. The blocks were mailed up to the area where quilters from Lodi and Paradise made them into quilts.

Spring 2019:
With the assistance of Linda Boynton de Sepulveda, the Guild focused on making veteran's quilts and 70 of them were presented to Joanne Deck, Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care, now known as VNA Health, at the July 2019 meeting.

Below is the text that was in the VNA Health Fall 2019 Newsletter:
“Our local Coastal Quilters Guild donated 70 handmade patriotic quilts to VNA Health for the We Honor Veterans Program. These quilts are a gift to honor and appreciate Veterans for their service. VNA Health is the only Level 4 Member of We Honor Veterans in the Tri-County area…..”
Community Quilts Committee - Carol Fay and Sue Kadner