"What's New Pussycat"

--Must represent the title of one song (any genre)
--Must be a quilt only -- no dolls, aprons, vests, bags, etc.
--Debut quilts only – not previously exhibited
--Any shape – maximum perimeter is 96”
--One entry only per person
--Add a sleeve (2”- 4”) and a covered label
--To be finished and submitted in March.
--To be submitted in a labeled pillowcase with a completed entry form which will be provided nearer the time
--Exhibit and voting will be at the April Guild meeting
To find songs that were popular through the years, go to this website that lists the songs by year: playback.com
Any genre -- rock 'n roll, ballad, theme from TV, musical, or movie, etc.
These entries will fit nicely with the “Memories” theme of the next quilt show in September 2018, so please plan on showing your entry then.
For questions, call:
Pamela Holst (805) 967-1605
Edalee Keehn (805) 682-4675
Darilyn Kisch (805) 689-1480
Barbara MacCallum (805) 964-6476 |