2011 - 2012 Guild Member Challenge
"The Doorway Challenge"
Inspired by Doorway to China Quilt Block.
Used with permission from McCalls Quilting Magazine.
Original pattern appeared in October 2009 issue.
Winning Entries
First Place:
Leslie Dodge
"In the Jungle"

Second Place:
Rita Hardin
"Drag On In and Bring Your Friends

Third Place:
Marilyn Siegel
"House of Peace and Tranquility"

First Honorable Mention:
Mary Ballard
"Celtic Sun"

Second Honorable Mention:
Patty Latourell
"Bird of Paradise"

Third Honorable Mention:
Peggy Beavers
"Que Viva La Fiesta"

Doorway Challenge Entry Information
The Doorway Challenge Requirements
The entry must be a quilt of 3 layers and quilted by hand or machine.
Entry must hang in the vertical orientation. The perimeter of the quilt is limited to 134" or less.
Entry must be readily recognizable as a derivative of the door pattern presented.
The quilt may represent a door itself or depict areas within or outside of a door.
Units and framework may be made larger or smaller. Units within the frames may be added or deleted.
Borders may be added, as long as the perimeter does not exceed 134".(Pattern + 2" borders = 134".)
The door pattern must be used on the front of the quilt.
Appliqué and embellishments are encouraged.
Only 1 entry per member.
A 4" hanging sleeve must be sewn to the back of each entry. Please cover any identifying quilt label.
Quilts must be submitted in a labeled pillow case and accompanied by a completed entry form.
In fairness to all participants, only entries that meet the challenge requirements will be accepted.
Although we encourage visiting guests at the presentation, voting will be restricted to members only.
Quilts due: February 9th CQG meeting.
Presentation: March 8th CQG meeting..
-- Marty Frolli and Barb Postma